Leon Kass dismisses outright the morality of cloning to produce children. Like most cloning opponents, he justifies this position with vague allusions to popular consensus, safety, and individual dignity and identity.

But cloning technology does not change the moral landscape of our personal reproductive rights. We already have considerable latitude as individuals to determine the genetic traits of our offspring. We choose our mates, we screen our fetuses for genetic and developmental disorders, and when all else fails we can borrow sperm or eggs, or adopt a specific child with an established pedigree.

The ability to select or engineer a particular genome before the fetus is formed is just another step in shaping the future of our children. While genetics ("nature") determines a great deal about us as individuals, we know that experience and the circumstances of growth ("nurture") have a substantial impact as well. Thus, the identity of clones is no more precarious than those of identical twins, and cloning would no more "confound family relations" than would adoption. Reproductive cloning is no more hazardous in the hands of free individuals than is their innate right to reproduce.

David Bookstaber